Access to Information for the Blind - The Vision Aide Manual by Mildred Frank

Manufacturer: MaxiAids

Helps Those With Vision Loss Manage Their Lives

  • Reference tool for the blind and their family and friends
  • With tips on how to live an easier, more productive lifestyle
  • Includes a directory of helpful resources and phone numbers
  • 66-pg, 8.5 x 11 manual with 16-point print size
  • Durable paper and sturdy binding for long term use
SKU: 208723 |
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ACCESS TO INFORMATION FOR THE BLIND - The Vision Aid Manual by Mildred Frank is a comprehensive book on how to cope with all stages of vision loss. It offers chapters on: audible and tactile methods of filing and retrieving information, how to audibly maintain a list of telephone numbers, how to label food, medicine, the color of thread and clothing, sighted guide techniques, Braille, closed circuit TV, the computer and adaptive software, helpful hints and a great deal more.

Choose how organized you want to be by having a friend, relative or aide read this book to you, and then together deciding which chapters you want to implement. A must have for all persons who can no longer read, this book makes the tasks of daily living less stressful and is well worth the price.

As testimony to the value of its content, this book is already being used by Daytona Beach College for their course Assisting Persons with Limited Vision, and it would serve as a worthy basis for any other educational institutions considering such a course. Implementing the systems suggested in this book will undoubtedly make living with limited vision easier and more productive.

66-pg, 8.5 x 11 manual with 16-point print size.