ASL Babies- First Signs

Manufacturer: HearMore

Introduce your baby to basic signs

  • Support early communication between parents/caregivers and babies
  • Drawings show a toddler signing common first words in ASL
  • Includes words such as: help, hot, hurt, please, and thank you
  • 16 pages with 14 illustrated images
SKU: 974170 |
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In enchanting drawings by illustrator Michael Carter, a toddler signs 14 words in ASL (American Sign Language) that first appear in a child's vocabulary: airplane, baby, bath, bed, dad, help, hot, hurt, mom, more, please, thank you, tired, and toilet. The signs in ASL Babies- First Signs are modeled on those used by fluent deaf signers.

This baby signing book includes 14 adorably illustrated images that allow early communication between parents/caregivers and babies. Research shows that signing reduces frustration, increases IQ, and leads to larger vocabularies at earlier ages. Signing is easy, fun, and rewarding and babies love it!

Check out the other titles in the American Sign Language Babies series. Give yourself the tools to teach your child basic vocabulary, to improve their communication skills.

Product Details:
- Authors: Tina Jo Breindel, Michael Carter
- Length: 16 pages
- Copyright 2005
- ISBN: 978-1-58121-151-1