CD-Rom - The Gift of The Magi, by O. Henry

  • Each page of the story is translated into American Sign Language (ASL)
SKU: TSD 4000 |
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Availability: Usually ships within 1 to 2 business days
This CD-ROM features the famous Christmas story written by William Sydney Porter (O.Henry). Each page of the story is translated into American Sign Language (ASL). Selected vocabulary words are also signed. There are also three grammar lessons that enable the user to improve his/her skills in using subject - verb agreement, sentence fragments, and passive voice. For IBM PC - Compatible: Pentium processor with Soundblaster chip running Windows 3.1 (8MB RAM). Macintosh System requirements: Macitosh 68040 processor running System 7.1 or later, 8 MB RAM or 16MB for Power Mac, 14 monitor with 256 or more colors, 300 speed or better CD-ROM player.