Central Alert CA-380 Combo 1 Notification System

Manufacturer: Serene Innovations

Phone and doorbell alerts plus audio alarm sensor

  • CentralAlert cell phone ringer/flasher
  • Wireless vibrating personal receiver
  • Audio alarm sensor
  • Extra wireless doorbell
  • Extra bed shaker
SKU: 932105 |
In Stock
Availability: Usually ships within 1 to 2 business days
This alerting system offers everything you need to get alerted to incoming landline, cell phone, Skype, and FaceTime calls and text messages, as well as wireless doorbell rings. This alerting indicator for the hearing impaired includes a bed shaker for nighttime alerts and an audio alarm sensor that gets installed next to your existing alarms for sound detection, or which can be connected directly to your alarms for activation. Includes a one-year manufacturer's limited warranty.