Chair Sox - 4 Per Pack

Manufacturer: Pencil Grip

The Solution to Metal Chair Clatter

  • Quiets noisy chair clatter
  • Protects floors
  • Especially for schools, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.
  • Easy to install; no tools required
  • Convenient four pack
SKU: 208230 |
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Availability: Usually ships within 5 business days
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If your environment consists of hard flooring of any type (wood, tile, linoleum), with a group of metal legged chairs (schools, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) then you are familiar with the clatter and clanging associated with moving a group of chairs. In a large room, the sound can be quite intense Soften and even eliminate the noise altogether with these Chair Sox.

This set of Chair Sox is for use on most chairs with metal legs. A large 2-inch X has been cut out of tennis balls, allowing them to slip over the end of a metal chair leg. The Chair Sox will muffle the noise creating a more peaceful, restful and enjoyable environment for all.

Chair Sox also protects flooring of all kind from metal feet scraping. Reduces wear and tear; keeps community areas such as cafeterias, activity rooms, waiting rooms and more looking nicer, longer