Emergency Round Call Bell

Manufacturer: MaxiAids

Get Help When You Need It

  • Makes a resounding attention-getting DING
  • Needs no power source
  • A gentle tap is all that is required
  • Keep it near to call attention to emergencies
  • Size: 3 dia, 2-3/8 high.
SKU: 153108 |
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Availability: Usually ships within 1 to 2 business days
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Use this Round Call Bell whenever you need to call someone's attention. Just like an old-fashioned call bell, this one can be placed on a nightstand, desktop, tabletop, or even the ledge of a bath. A gentle tap to the plunger on top is all that's needed to swing the clapper, creating a resounding, attention-getting DING No power of any sort needed so it's safe to use in any environment. Bell is small and light making it easy to carry. 3 dia, 2-3/8 high.