Folding Cane with TPR Handle, Gray Pearl

Manufacturer: Arise Medical

These canes are popular among all

  • Body Material Aluminum
  • Weight Approx 1 lbs
  • Case Weight Approx 22 lbs
  • Case Dimension 18in x 14in x 12in
  • Height 33in - 37in
SKU: 240439 |
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Availability: Usually ships within 1 to 2 business days
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These canes are perfect for travel or everyday use and fold up easily take less storage space These canes are popular among customers suffering from Arthritis
The design of the handle allows the customer to hold the cane comfortably without causing pain to your hand or fingers Color options Aqua Blue, Pearl Grey

Weight Approx 1 lbs
Case Dimension 18in x 14in x 12in
Case Weight Approx 22 lbs
Body Material Aluminum
Height 33in - 37in
Capacity 300lbs