Go Talk 9+ Lite Touch

Manufacturer: Attainment Company

Supports those with limited speech every day

  • Records and stores up to 45 messages!
  • Nine programmable buttons for user personalization
  • Includes three core buttons for frequently used words or phrases
  • Software sold separately
SKU: 800490 |
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Availability: Usually ships within 5 business days
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Go Talk 9+ Lite Touch provides fantastic sound with volume control, easy sequential recording, quick level erase, built-in overlay storage, record lock, level lock, and other terrific features. Use it to initiate conversations, support daily activities, talk on the telephone, tell personal anecdotes, practice speaking and articulation, give instructions, participate in small group instruction, and more.

Note: There are several ways to make overlays for this product: use Go Talk Overlay software; write words on blank overlay template with a marker; cut/paste pictures or symbol cues onto an overlay template; place velcro on each square and add a texture cue.