Grandpa Becks Cover Your Assets Card Game Braille version

Manufacturer: Modified by Reizen

The first millionaire wins!

  • Grandpa Beck knows best: A passion for family time inspires these game makers
  • Classic Strategy Game: Competitive play where the 1st to reach 1M in assets wins.
  • Ideal for 4-6 Players Ages 7+
  • Simple to play: Complete with simple-to-follow rules to get started right away.
  • Cards have tactile raised braille descriptions
SKU: 690076 |
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Availability: Usually ships within 1 to 2 business days
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In Cover Your Assets you amass a fortune by collecting and building an alternating tower of matching pairs of asset cards. Be careful though, because the top set of assets on your stack can be stolen by other players if they hold a matching asset or a gold or silver wild card.

Every time a stack is stolen it increases in value, making it a more enticing target to steal and harder to hold onto. The best way to protect a valuable set is to cover those assets with a new set of assets. You literally Cover Your Assets!

This game is fast-paced, competitive, and more than a little addictive. Will it teach you to be wise with your financial decisions in life, or how to be a savvy investor? Absolutely not. Will it cause bouts of laughter, good-humored competition, and fun-filled gatherings? We certainly hope so.