Large Print Word Search Puzzles- Number 2

Manufacturer: Sterling Publishing

Easy-to-see brain challenging puzzles

  • 94 large print word search puzzles
  • Solutions given at back of book
  • 288 pages; Page size 8" x 10"
  • Concealed spiral-bound paper
SKU: 479030 |
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Solving word search puzzles should tax your mind, not your eyes. Luckily, puzzlesmith Mark Danna has provided plenty of word search challenges with large type for your enjoyment. To add a twist, instead of being in a traditional grid pattern, these grids form distinctive picture outlines that are directly related to the puzzles' themes. For example, you get a grid in the shape of a wedding cake in a puzzle about things you cut. The letters in the grid are large, and so are the letters in the word lists, so if you still can't find a word, it won't be because you couldn't read it. There are 94-word search puzzles with solutions given at the back of the book.

288 pages
Page size 8" x 10"
Concealed spiral-bound paper
ISBN: 1-4027-9030-9
ISBN13: 9781402790300

Mark Danna is a professional word search puzzlemaker and the author of 15-word search books. Since 1991, Danna has written United Media's syndicated newspaper puzzle "Word Gurdy." He is the co-author of 365 Brain Puzzlers, American Mensa's long-running, annual, page-a-day puzzle calendar, and was also a staff writer for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.