Macks Pillow Soft Earplugs- Kids Size- 6 Pairs

Manufacturer: Macks

Seal out water and reduce noise

  • Non-toxic, non-allergenic kid's ear protection
  • For swimming, bathing, noisy events, flights, etc.
  • 22dB noise reduction rating
  • Carrying case included
  • PLEASE NOTE: this item is non-returnable
SKU: 905109 |
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Availability: Usually ships within 1 to 2 business days
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Protect your children's ears they are swimming, at noisy events, and on flights! The ultimate in earplug comfort, Mack's silicone putty molds to the unique contours of any ear. These special kid's size moldable earplugs are doctor-recommended for sealing out water, reducing noise, and for use with ear tubes. They have a noise reduction rating of 22dB. Reusable up to 5 uses. Carrying case included. 6 pairs.

- Seal out water when swimming and bathing
- Help prevent swimmer's ear
- Provide protection after surgeries
- Help relieve flying discomfort
- Protect hearing from loud noises (concerts, sporting events, etc.)
- Provide non-toxic, non-allergenic protection
- Provides a better, more comfortable fit and seal than custom earplugs

- This item is non-returnable for health and sanitary reasons.
- The range of noise reduction ratings for existing hearing protectors is approx. 0 to 30 (with higher numbers indicating greater effectiveness)

Product Weight (in Original Packaging): 1.6 oz.