Medallion Series Sound Monitor Transmitter

Manufacturer: Silent Call

Become aware of multiple sounds in the house

  • Signals when cries, knocks, alarms, or timers are sounded
  • Works with any Medallion Series Mini Receiver
  • Operates with million-code technology
  • Detects a specific sound if desired - a baby's cry, doorbell, or telephone
  • Features the Silent Call 5-Year Limited Warranty
SKU: 121414 |
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Availability: Usually ships within 3 to 7 weeks
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Become aware of a baby's cry, ringing alarm clock, door buzzer, or oven timer when needed! Whatever the noise, the Medallion Series Sound Monitor alerts you to it. When a sound is detected, it sends a signal to any Medallion Series Mini Receiver. A delay circuit prevents activation by brief noises such as a slamming car door, and a sensitivity switch lets you adjust the sound threshold at which it activates. Additionally, you can set the alerting unit to detect any of three specific sounds if desired: a baby's cry, telephone, or doorbell. Fully portable, this alerting device operates on two AA batteries.