Say It With Sign- Volume 5 -VHS

The most comprehensive video series on A.S.L.

SKU: 86455 |
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Say It With Sign is the most comprehensive video series on signing ever produced. Sign Language is the 3rd most used Language in the U.S. behind English and Spanish. This 20-hour Home Video Library teaches conversational sign language in a fun, easy and enchanting manner. You'll learn why this romantic language has such sensitive beauty. Volume 5 (Running Time: 120 min) Sports - Sports expert Steve Rankell joins Larry and Sharon for an explanation of sign language used in sports signals. Various games like football, baseball, tennis and golf are described in sign language. Fingerspelling lesson: W, O, L, V and E. Sharon sign-sings You've Got a Friend. Colors - Colors in a rainbow and colors in clothing are described in sign language. The Solows also provide a fascinating insight into devices used in deaf households as warnings and alerts, such as lights for doorbells, telephones and baby cry signals. Larry serenades Sharon by sign-singing True Love. Family-Part II - Larry and Sharon introduce Sharon's family, including her deaf parents, hearing sister and hearing nephews. Everyone speaks sign language in a conversation about hearing children growing up in a deaf household. Sharon sign-sings You Gotta Have Heart from 'Damn Yankees.' Fingerspelling lesson: Y, A, E and R.