Say It With Sign- Volume 6 -VHS

The most comprehensive video series on A.S.L.

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Say It With Sign is the most comprehensive video series on signing ever produced. Sign Language is the 3rd most used Language in the U.S. behind English and Spanish. This 20-hour Home Video Library teaches conversational sign language in a fun, easy and enchanting manner. You'll learn why this romantic language has such sensitive beauty. Volume 6 (Running Time: 120 min) Family-Part III - More insight on how deaf people function in families and in a hearing world is discussed. Viewers learn about hearing-ear dogs - and alarm clocks that flash rather than ring. Sharon sign-sings People and the Letter Z covers the end of the fingerspelled alphabet. Golf - Larry and Sharon Solow launch into the second twenty episodes of sign language instruction. This program deals with the game of golf. Sharon and Larry discuss Larry's golf game with his father (which he lost). We learn signs for win, lose, practice, play and improve. Fingerspelling lesson: C, K, L and O. Sharon sign-sings the song I Hear Your Hand, written especially to be sign-sung. Fruits and Colors - In keeping with their sense of fun, hosts Larry and Sharon tease us with signs for fruits of many colors. We learn red apples, yellow bananas, orange oranges, and green and purple grapes. Fingerspelling lesson: O, K, A and B. Larry completes this fruit cocktail by sign-singing a very unusual version of Yes, We Have No Bananas.