Say It With Sign- Volume 8 -VHS

The most comprehensive video series on A.S.L.

SKU: 84311 |
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Say It With Sign is the most comprehensive video series on signing ever produced. Sign Language is the 3rd most used Language in the U.S. behind English and Spanish. This 20-hour Home Video Library teaches conversational sign language in a fun, easy and enchanting manner. You'll learn why this romantic language has such sensitive beauty. Volume 8 (Running Time: 120 min) TTY/Telephone - This episode opens with the TTY welcoming us to Say It With Sign. Larry and Sharon demonstrate how the TTY works as a means of communicating with deaf people, using the telephone. Fingerspelling lesson: T, Y, D and O. The Solows discuss the different places deaf people can call using a TTY. Larry sign-sings 'Good Friends Are For Keeps.' Vehicles - Larry tells Sharon about a friend of this that has a sail boat, a car, a motorcycle, a bicycle and also rides the train. We also learn the signs for airplane, ride in and water. Fingerspelling lesson: B, U, S, F and E. Sharon and Larry take off for a fun sign-song flight Leavin' on a Jet Plane. Beauty Parlor / Occupations - The Solows have both been on diets and Sharon has been to the beauty parlor for a new hairstyle, which prompts her to sign-sing 'I Enjoy Being a Child.' Also covered are the signs for many occupations. Fingerspelling lesson: J, O, B, S and E. There is also a discussion about the types of jobs that have been traditionally held by deaf persons because of their stereotyping.