Serene Tele-Coil for T-Coil Hearing Aid Users

Manufacturer: Serene Innovations

Accessory for your TV-Direct TV amplifier

  • For use with T-coil equipped hearing aids
  • Hear the TV clearly without disturbing others
  • Also use with MP3 players and other audio devices
  • Requires TV-Direct TV Amplifier (purchase separately)
SKU: 916005 |
In Stock
Availability: Usually ships within 1 to 2 business days
The Serene TV-Direct Tele-Coil for T-Coil Hearing Aid Users is a great accessory for your Serene TV-Direct Listener Private TV Amplifier. Use it with your TV-Direct system (purchase separately) to enjoy watching television again and hear everything without disturbing others. 2.5mm plug.