Signing Naturally-Level 2 -Workbook and VHS

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This continuation of the Signing Naturally series has added features such as Language in Action, more advanced vocabulary, and more conversational dialogues. Student Videotexts and Workbook - Level 2 also includes noted ASL artists performing handshape stories, cheers and songs, poetry, storytelling, and legends. Now learning the advanced grammatical uses of ASL, students see how sign movements can be modified to change meaning; how and when facial expressions occur; and how body, head, and eye movements are used in phrasing and agreement. The 13-17 Units include signing lessons on: Locating Things Around the House, Complaining, Making Suggestions and Requests, Exchanging Personal Information: Life Events, Describing and Identifying Things and Talking About the Weekend. Level 2 includes 192-page Workbook and (2) 120-minute Videotexts. Workbook is 8 1/2 x 11 Paperback Workbook which includes 700 Signs and Key Phrases. Written by Ella Mae Lentz, Ken Mikos, Cheri Smith