Signing Naturally Units 7-12 Teachers Curriculum

Manufacturer: Dawn Sign Press

Designed for American Sign Language instructors

  • Teacher's Guide plus Teacher's Answer Book
  • Student's workbook with answers
  • 7 videos for the classroom with answer key
  • Over 100 hours of instructional materials
  • Classroom materials provided as electronic files on DVD
SKU: 901811 |
Temporarily out of stock but available for order
Availability: Usually ships within 1 to 2 business days
plus $12.00 additional shipping
This Product Is Non-Returnable! Signing Naturally Units 7-12 is a continuation of Units 1-6 in the Signing Naturally series. Units 7-12 picks up where its predecessor left off and further enhances your classroom instruction. Utilizing the same functional, skill-building, and comprehension approaches found in Units 1-6, key dialogues, narratives, and vocabulary lead to student excellence. Units 7-12 integrates culture and language learning, with culture lessons in every unit to expand students' understanding of our world.

Signing Naturally Units 1-6 (sold separately), and now Units 7-12 complete the full 12 units that replace the original Level 1 materials!

New features:

- 7 Videos for the classroom played within the PowerPoint files

- Answer Key for PowerPoint files

- A Student Workbook set is included with every Teacher's Set

Standard features include:

- Over 100 hours of instructional materials

- Full-color curriculum, including still photos from the video material and color photos

- A rich library of PowerPoint slides with the ability to edit how you present information in the classroom

- Classroom materials are provided as electronic files on a DVD

- Units 12 Storytelling provides further tools to help expand students' narrative skills

Come and see why Signing Naturally Units 7-12 is the perfect companion to your ASL classroom. This curriculum will ensure your students use their ASL skills BEYOND the classroom!