Silver Lining Chair Sensor Pad 10x15-in Coiled Cord

Alerts caregivers when the patient gets out of bed

  • Sensor pad is placed under patient in bed
  • Monitor (not included) activates if patient gets up
  • Pad measures 10 x 15-in
  • Requires a connected fall monitor (not included) to be used
SKU: 903964 |
In Stock
Availability: Usually ships within 3 to 7 business days
Chair Sensor Pad Alarms alert a caregiver whenever pressure is removed from the sensor pad.

When the resident is getting up, the pressure of the PPC-WI Sensor Pad by Smart Caregiver is removed and the alarm on a connected fall monitor (not included) will sound.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Non-Returnable. For health and sanitary reasons, we cannot accept returns on this item.

- Placed under the patient in bed, the weight-sensitive pressure pad will trigger a connected fall alarm (purchase separately) when weight is removed from the pad
- Compatible with all Smart Caregiver fall prevention monitors and systems
- Chair sensor pad is sealed and impervious to fluids, providing incontinence protection
- Made with silver membrane technology to assure a long reliable life
- Chair pad is easy to clean
- Coiled cord reduces tripping and entanglement hazards
- Bed sensor pad measures 10-in x 15-in
- Non-returnable item
- 1 Year Manufacturer's Limited Warranty