The Pocket Dictionary of Signing

Manufacturer: Penguin Books

Portable Reference Tool for Learning ASL

  • More than 600 ASL signs
  • Directions and illustrations for each sign
  • Convenient alphabetical format
  • Index for easy cross-referencing
  • Size: 4.5 x 7. 224 pages.
SKU: 917433 |
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The Pocket Dictionary of Signing is a simple, convenient alphabetized pocket guide to American Sign Language (Ameslan). Arranged in an easy-to-use dictionary format, this revised edition of The Pocket Dictionary contains more than 600 signing entries with accompanying directions and illustrations. Inside you'll find many special highlights, including:

MORE THAN 600 SIGNS: a selection of the most commonly used phrases

DETAILED ILLUSTRATIONS: showing exact hand positions and movements

FINGERSPELLING: to aid in communicating words for which there are no signs

MEMORY AIDS: to assist in recalling how to form signs

SECTIONS: on forming numbers and letters and constructing word endings

SAMPLE SENTENCES: to clarify grammatical usage

COMPREHENSIVE INDEX: of entries and their synonyms for easy cross-referencing

The Pocket Dictionary of Signing is a complete pocket guide to basic sign language - and it's portable enough to be carried anywhere in a pocket or purse. Size: 4.5 x 7. 224 pages.

About the Authors. Rod R. Butterworth and Mickey Flodin have authored many widely used signing books, including The Perigee Visual Dictionary of Signing Made Easy. Mickey Flodin is also the author of Signing for Kids and Signing Illustrated.