Uno Emoji Braille Playing Cards

Manufacturer: Modified by MaxiAids

Fun card game with braille lettering

  • Recommended for children ages 7 and up
  • For 2 to 10 players
  • 112 cards included
SKU: 267896 |
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Availability: Usually ships within 1 to 2 business days
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The classic game of Uno, but with a new twist! This emoji-themed game includes brightly colored cards, braille lettering, and a new rule that makes the game even more fun than the original. Be the first one to get rid of all of your cards and score 500 points to win!
How to play:
Discard a card that corresponds with the one at the top of the discard pile, matching either its number or color. Numbered emoji cards are worth 5 points; draw two, skip, and reverse cards are worth 20 points; wild, wild draw four, wild customizable, and wild emoji cards are worth 50 points each. The first player to discard all of their cards and score 500 points is the winner.