Home Cleaning

House cleaning is a chore no one likes. In this section of our website, we're proud to present you a line of products that will make cleaning your home a little bit easier. With items that reduce your need to bend over and pick up, or the likelihood of tripping over cords, we're confident that you'll appreciate these cleaning aids. We have Steam Irons by Panasonic, SweepEZE (TM) Automatic Vacuuming Dustpans, "No-Bend" Broom and Dust Pans, Douglas Redi Vac Electric Brooms and a variety of Vacuum Cleaners with a range of features. We know you'll find something that's just perfect for you!


Keep your environment clean! From dustpan and brush sets to cordless battery operated sweeper, compact toilet brush and canister, allergen reducer, vinyl gloves, and more, there are products to choose from for all your home cleaning purposes.